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Important notice regarding imitation pads and countries of origin

Most of the in-house branded urethane and wool pad products sold by our company are manufactured in Japan (only low resilience materials are made in the US). Thanks to your support, we have been able to provide consistently high quality products.
In recent years, however, there have been confirmed accounts of imitations of ours and other companies’ products appearing on the internet. The imitations use the same sales method as ours and even copy the presentation of product specifications and shapes (e.g., images of our proprietary size notation). They present themselves for sale as though they were equal products.
A certain Asian company which manufactures these products asked us to test them several years ago. After various in-house tests, we deemed their quality to be inferior to Japanese-made products, and in the end we decided not to carry their products.
Buffing pads are delicate products. Of course the urethane and wool materials are important, but there are many factors which affect the total balance of quality, such as attaching the Velcro and processing the wool.
With products which simply imitate the appearance of ours, one cannot in fact perform high quality polishing.
Please beware of such imitation products and be sure to check the country of origin before purchasing.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this notice.

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